Fitness for busy people

You’re busy! Busy! BUSY! We get it, and understand your frustration.

You want to lose weight, look toned So, when is the best time to exercise? And why and how you can make it happen? Drum roll please… all you night owls who think morning people are completely bizarre creatures it’s time for a reality check … more drum roll please … the best time to exercise is first thing in the MORNING!

  • There have been multiple times when you have known that you should get in shape but lack the motivation and discipline to get there. 
  • Whether your objective is to lose weight, build muscle or just improve your cardiovascular health, most of the people fail to follow a fixed regime which will help them to achieve the aforesaid goals. 
  • However, few small changes in your daily life will help you in incorporating fitness training into your busy schedule.

 Drink water before each time you eat 

  • This is a very simple yet effective technique. 
  • Drinking 2 glass of water about half an hour before meals will not only help in suppressing hunger it can be of immense benefit to the digestive system as well. 
  • As per experts there are many times when we think that we are hungry and eat more when actually we are thirsty and require just a glass of water to quench that.

Utilize the weekends

  • Usually our weekdays are packed with various tasks leaving very little time for exercise or any other body care regime. 
  • However, fitting in some time to work out especially during weekends can work wonders and make a big difference to your body. 
  • One can follow the regime of going for less intense workouts from Monday through Friday and more intense work out during weekends.

Eat healthy and good portion breakfast

  • Breakfast being the first meal of the day should be healthy and one should try to eat sufficient quantity of breakfast.
  • There are several healthy options available when it comes to breakfast. Like lunch, one can plan for the entire week’s breakfast in advance. However, care should be taken never to skip it as skipping it will do more bad than good to the body.
